Power Pilates Programme
Designed to work you hard, reset your Pilates routine and most importantly feel amazing. We will be increasing the pace while still focusing on the Pilates benefits you know and love. Perfect to come back to whenever you want to feel strong and energised after just 7 days.

You have made it to Day three and we focus on sculpting and strengthening the upper body. Expect extra focus on the triceps and the obliques - based on many requests.
I suggest you use a Pilates ball and small hand weights to get the most out of this workout but as always you can do the workout without.

Today we get into nature and get the heart rate up.
This is an express standing Power Pilates class designed to challenge the legs and connect the abs. Expect to get a sweat on and feel amazing. All done in less than 20 minutes.
If you would like a little arm work hold on to small hand weights or wrist weights