Pilates Hybrid 2.0
Welcome to Pilates Hybrid 2.0 combining Pilates Strength and Running to create my ultimate weekly split. Expect to be more consistent than ever with this 28 day plan focusing on variety.

It is important to take a day to rest and recover.

It is important to take a day to rest and recover.

This class is designed to focus on building strength with a mix of functional fitness movements and the Pilates principles to get a full body workout.
Im using a 5kg weight but you can do this with weights you have available at home.
We start with the strength based circuit followed by our Pilates circuit.

It is important to take a day to rest and recover.

This circuit is designed to be done on the days you want to really challenge the body, build strength with the option to use heavier weights.
We focus on lots of glute strengthening, legs and arms with support from the core. I will be using an incline ( a couch ) you can use a chair or couch at home or a box or bench at the gym. I am also using 5kg weights.

Well done for completing the Hybrid plan. Designed to leave you feeling empowered to create your dream weekly split based on what suits you best. Be sure to rest and recover today.