Pilates HYBRID
Welcome to Pilates Hybrid combining Pilates, Strength and running to create the ultimate weekly split. This is a 7 day programme, ideally aiming to complete 2 - 3 weeks.

Todays session is a 30 min jog or walk. Aim to work at a " conversational pace " 60 - 70% of your max heart rate. If you dont enjoy running you can substitute any form of cardio. Following this we have an express Pilates session designed to open the hips & challenge the deep abs. No equipment needed

This class is designed to focus on building strength with a mix of functional fitness movements and the Pilates principles to get a full body workout.
Im using a 5kg weight but you can go heavier or lighter with the weights you have available at home.
We start with the strength based circuit followed by our Pilates circuit.

Todays session is focused on zone 2 cardio. Meaning we want to keep our heart rate around 60 - 70% of your max heart rate. The pace should allow you to hold a conversation or breath through your nose. You may find you need to start walking briskly or run and walk to start with. Finish with the recovery stretch to ease sore muscles.

Its important to take rest days, you can make this week suit your schedule and take the rest day whenever suits you.